VLSI Solution Oy VLSI Solution Oy Evaluation MP3 Player Source Code Documentation

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00001 00003 #ifndef LCDFONTS_H 00004 #define LCDFONTS_H 00005 00006 extern code const char lcdFont_barchars[]; 00007 extern code const char lcdFont_vlsichars[]; 00008 extern code const char lcdFont_vertical_barchars[]; 00009 00010 #endif

All software copyright 2000-2004 VLSI Solution OY. Redistribution of these software modules are limited to promotional use only and only with the VS1011 / VS1002 / VS1003 MP3-Evakit evaluation boards. Free or commercial use of these software modules in MP3 players is ok if the product includes MP3 decoder chip(s) from VLSI. You can request the complete (compilable) package from mp3@vlsi.fi