Multiple devices | File name | Document Name | Description IC Compatibility | Version | Date |

| vs10XXan_spi.pdf | Connecting SPI Buses | Presents seven ways of connecting SCI and SDI VS1011, VS1003, VS1033, VS1053, VS8053, VS1063 | 1.01 | 2012-12-11 | 
| vs10xxan_layout.pdf | PCB Layout Considerations | Layout guidelines for VS10xx family VS1011, VS1002, VS1003, VS1033, VS1053, VS8053, VS1063 | 1.0 | 2008-03-25 | 
| vs10XXan_rohs.pdf | RoHS Info | RoHS compatibility and soldering conditions VS1011, VS1002, VS1003, VS1033 | 1.01 | 2006-08-02 | 
| vs1033example_rev07.pdf | External circuitry | Generic schematic of external circuitry needed in applications VS1011, VS1002, VS1003, VS1033, VS1053, VS8053, VS1063 | 0.7 | 2009-07-09 | 
| vs10XXan_resonator.pdf | Using Ceramic Resonator with VS10xx | Example schematic for how to use a ceramic resonator for master clock VS1011, VS1002, VS1003, VS1033 | 1.00 | 2006-03-22 | 
| vs10XXan_output.pdf | Connecting Analog Outputs | ESD protection of analog I/O and example of high-quality line-out connection VS1000, VS1001, VS1011, VS1002, VS1003, VS1033, VS1053, VS8053, VS1063 | 1.25 | 2009-03-23 | 
| vs10XXan_userapp.pdf | User Applications | Customization by using on-chip instruction RAM VS1011, VS1002, VS1003, VS1033 | 1.00 | 2006-02-28 | 
| vs10XXan.pdf | Application Notes | Collection of application notes: quick startup, saving I/O pins, ESD protection, SPI speed, ADPCM recording, SPI boot format VS1001, VS1011, VS1002 | 0.73 | 2006-04-21 |
VS1005 | File name | Document Name | Description | Version | Date |

| vs1005an_devboardperf.pdf | VS1005 Developer Board Performance | How to measure VS1005 DevBoard audio performance and example measurement results | 1.12 | 2013-07-19 | 
| VS1005GettingStarted.zip | VS1005 Getting Started with Developer Board | A first steps guide on how to use the VS1005 DevBoard | 1.00 | 2016-06-23 |
VS1063 | File name | Document Name | Description | Version | Date |

| migrate53to63.pdf | VS1053 to VS1063 Migration Guide | Things to consider when migrating from VS1053 | 1.11 | 2019-02-04 | 
| migrate33to63.pdf | VS1033 to VS1063 Migration Guide | Things to consider when migrating from VS1033 | 1.11 | 2019-02-04 | 
| migrate03to63.pdf | VS1003 to VS1063 Migration Guide | Things to consider when migrating to VS1063 | 1.11 | 2019-02-04 | 
| migrate11to63.pdf | VS1011 to VS1063 Migration Guide | Things to consider when migrating to VS1063 | 1.11 | 2019-02-04 | 
| vs1063an_playrec.zip | Playback and Recording | Generic microcontroller code for playback and recording | 1.10 | 2016-05-09 | 
| vs1063an_aec.pdf | AEC with VS1063a | How to use Acoustic Echo Cancellation with VS1063a | 1.21 | 2014-02-20 |
VS1053 | File name | Document Name | Description | Version | Date |

| migrate53to63.pdf | VS1053 to VS1063 Migration Guide | Things to consider when migrating to VS1063 | 1.11 | 2019-02-04 | 
| vs10XXan_33_to_53.pdf | VS1033 to VS1053 Migration Checklist | Things to consider when migrating from VS1033 | 1.00 | 2009-04-01 | 
| migrate03to53.pdf | VS1003 to VS1053 Migration Guide | Things to consider when migrating from VS1003 | 1.11 | 2019-02-04 | 
| migrate11to53.pdf | VS1011 to VS1053 Migration Guide | Things to consider when migrating from VS1011 | 1.11 | 2019-02-04 | 
| vs1053an_playrec.zip | Playback and Recording | Generic microcontroller code for playback and recording | 1.10 | 2016-05-09 | 

| vs1053audio.pdf
vs1053audio.zip | VS1053 audio IO | How to implement your own audio processing algorithm by using stereo analog inputs and outputs of VS1053 and legacy VSKIT tools | 1.01 | 2008-09-23 | 
| Internet_radio.pdf | Internet radio | Internet radio presentation | | 2008-08 |
VS1000 | File name | Document Name | Description | Version | Date |

| vs1000_production.pdf | FLASH Programming in Production of VS1000 Applications | Introduction to different programming methods | 0.50 | 2010-03-26 | 
| vs1000_production.zip | FLASH Programming in Production of VS1000 Applications | Complete source code package to the application note above | 0.50 | 2010-03-26 | 
| mp3_to_ogg_converter.pdf | Converting MP3 Files to Lower Bitrate Ogg Vorbis Format | How to encode Ogg Vorbis files from MP3 or WAV format | 1.2 | 2007-11-19 | 
| tinyplayer.pdf | VS1000 TinyPlayer | Three-in-one product example: USB memory stick + USB Headphones + Music player | | 2008-03-04 | 
| vs1000setup.pdf | Flash Preparation for VS1000 | Flash programming options for production setup | 0.2 | 2008-04-09 |
VS1033 | File name | Document Name | Description | Version | Date |

| migrate33to63.pdf | VS1033 to VS1063 Migration Checklist | Things to consider when migrating to VS1063 | 1.11 | 2019-02-04 | 
| vs10XXan_33_to_53.pdf | VS1033 to VS1053 Migration Checklist | Things to consider when migrating to VS1053 | 1.00 | 2009-04-01 | 
| vs10XXan_02_to_33.pdf | VS1002 to VS1033 Migration Checklist | Things to consider when migrating from VS1002d | 1.00 | 2006-04-07 | 
| vs1033an_i2sdac.pdf | I2S DAC | Shows how to interface to an external I2S DAC | 1.01 | 2006-06-12 |
VS1003 | File name | Document Name | Description | Version | Date |

| migrate03to63.pdf | VS1003 to VS1063 Migration Guide | Things to consider when migrating to VS1063 | 1.11 | 2019-02-04 | 
| migrate03to53.pdf | VS1003 to VS1053 Migration Guide | Things to consider when migrating to VS1053 | 1.11 | 2019-02-04 | 
| migrate11to03.pdf | VS1011 to VS1003 Migration Guide | Things to consider when migrating from VS1011 | 1.11 | 2019-02-04 | 
| vs1003an_playrec.zip | Playback and Recording | Generic microcontroller code for playback and recording | 1.10 | 2016-05-09 | 
| vs1003an_voltage_monitor.pdf | Using VS1003 Line Input to Monitor Battery Voltage | How to monitor system battery voltage by using Line Input | 1.00 | 2006-04-11 | 
| vs1003an_adcpwrdn.pdf | ADC Power Down Reduces Power Consumption | How to reduce the power consumption of by turning off the ADC modulator | 1.00 | 2006-02-27 | 
| notesonmbr.pdf | Notes on WMA Multi-Bitrate (MBR) | General notes on Multi Bitrate (MBR) WMA files and the ASF file format | 1.0 | 2005-04-20 | 
| usable_midi_formats.pdf | VS1003 MIDI Format | Information on Midi file formats (SMF0, SMF1, SMF2), and source code for SMF1 to SMF0 converter | 1.0 | 2005-03-09 | 
| vs1003_plugins.pdf | What Applications Can Be Done By Using VS1003 | Summary of plugins and applications for VS1003 | 1.2 | 2007-11 |
VS1002 | File name | Document Name | Description | Version | Date |

| vs10XXan_02_to_33.pdf | VS1002 to VS1033 Migration Checklist | Things to consider when migrating to VS1033 | 1.00 | 2006-04-07 | 
| VS1002DB_mic_to_L_looptest.pdf | Performance of VS1002D Microphone Interface | Performance measurements of VS1002 microphone interface | 1.0 | 2004-10-20 |
VS1011 | File name | Document Name | Description | Version | Date |

| vs10xx-comparison.pdf | VS1011 to VS10xx Migration Main Differences | Comparison of the features of vs1011e and replacements | - | 2024-02-01 | 
| migrate11to63.pdf | VS1011 to VS1063 Migration Guide | Things to consider when migrating to VS1063 | 1.11 | 2019-02-04 | 
| migrate11to53.pdf | VS1011 to VS1053 Migration Guide | Things to consider when migrating to VS1053 | 1.11 | 2019-02-04 | 
| migrate11to03.pdf | VS1011 to VS1003 Migration Guide | Things to consider when migrating to VS1003 | 1.11 | 2019-02-04 | 
| VS1011A-to-B-letter.pdf | VS1011a to VS1011b Migration Checklist | Things to consider when migrating from VS1011A to VS1011B | 1.0 | 2004-08-16 | 
| VS1011-to-A-letter.pdf | VS1011 to VS1011a Migration Checklist | Things to consider when migrating from VS1011 to VS1011A | 1.0 | 2004-08-16 | 
| VS1001-to-VS1011-migration-checklist.pdf | VS1001 to VS1011 Migration Checklist | Things to consider when migrating from VS1001K | 1.0 | 2004-08-13 | 
| vs1011an_play.zip | Playback | Generic microcontroller code for playback | 1.10 | 2016-05-09 | 
| power-on-timing-letter.pdf | Power-On Timing of XRESET and BSYNC | Power-on timing of XRESET and BSYNC pins | 1.0 | 2004-02-16 |