The new Migration Guides present summaries of things, both in hardware as well as microcontroller software, that you need to change when redesigning for a newer VS10xx IC. The two new guides are: Four other migration guides have also been updated:
The new AppNotes show in generic microcontroller C code how to control VS1011 playback and VS1003 playback and recording. This should make it easier and faster to learn the ins and outs of controlling VS1011 and VS1053. Corresponding AppNotes for VS1053 and VS1063 have also been updated.
The new header file is intended to be used as a microcontroller include file. It defines all user registers for VS1063, VS1053, VS1033, VS1003, VS1103, and VS1011.
The new AppNote shows in generic microcontroller C code how to control VS1053 playback and recording. This should make it easier and faster to learn the ins and outs of controlling the VS1053.
The new AppNote shows in generic microcontroller C code how to control VS1063 playback and recording. This should make it easier and faster to learn the ins and outs of controlling the VS1063.
The new Migration Guides present summaries of things, both in hardware as well as microcontroller software, that you need to change when redesigning for a newer VS10xx IC. The three new guides are:
The new application note Connecting VS10xx SPI Buses explains the options for connecting a microcontroller SPI bus to VLSI Solution's slave decoder ICs VS1011, VS1003, VS1033, VS1053, VS8053, and VS1063. It also presents example code and signal waveforms for each way, and discusses their pros and cons. |