New application note: Connecting VS10xx SPI Buses Date: 2012-11-21 Age: 12 yrs

The new application note Connecting VS10xx SPI Buses explains the options for connecting a microcontroller SPI bus to VLSI Solution's slave decoder ICs VS1011, VS1003, VS1033, VS1053, VS8053, and VS1063. It also presents example code and signal waveforms for each way, and discusses their pros and cons.

New document, VS1005 VSOS Programmer's Guide Date: 2012-11-15 Age: 12 yrs

The first version of a major new document, VS1005 VSOS Programmer's Guide, has been released. The VSOS Programmer's Guide explains how to program the VS1005 under the VLSI Solution Operating System (VSOS) using VLSI Solution's Integrated Development Environment (VSIDE).

VS1005g Datasheet v0.52 Date: 2012-11-07 Age: 12 yrs

In anticipation of the VS1005 VSOS Programmer's Guide, due to be published later this month, the VS1005g Datasheet has been updated.

The main changes in the new datasheet are in that it improves interrupt documentation and explains which pins have weak internal pull-up resistors.

VS1063a Datasheet v1.01 Date: 2012-11-07 Age: 12 yrs

This update to the VS1063a datasheet adds information, earlier found only in the VS1063 Hardware Guide, on how to activate I2S audio output.

VS1063a Datasheet v1.00 Date: 2012-10-24 Age: 12 yrs

The first VS1063a Datasheet production status datasheet v1.00 has been released. The new datasheet is a major release, and adds a lot of information.

There are some changes in the VS1063a specifications in the new datasheet. As an example, its maximum qualified clock speed has gone up to 67.6 MHz. This helps applications that use the more processor-intensive audio formats and in addition to that lots of audio processing, like the 5-channel equalizer.

Also many examples has been made clearer or corrected.

VS1005g Datasheet v0.51 Date: 2012-10-16 Age: 12 yrs

The new release of the VS1005g Datasheet documents how to connect the center ground plate GPLATE in your schematics. This update should be read by everyone designing PCBs for VS1005g!

VS1005g Datasheet v0.50 Date: 2012-10-01 Age: 12 yrs

The VS1005g Preliminary Datasheet v0.50 has been released.

The new datasheet clarifies several aspects of how to use the VS1005g, and adds a new chapter, Licenses.

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